Work Your SOI

By Joe Lins
April 21, 2024

Photo Courtesy of Canva Pro

Are you working your SOI? A strong sphere of influence is invaluable for a real estate agent’s business, providing a steady flow of referrals, repeat business and credibility. This contributes to and agent’s long-term success and growth. In our office meetings and training we talk a lot about reaching out to your Sphere of Influence. Many times, an agent will have a hard time wrapping their head around who is actually in their sphere of influence and how they should be reaching out to them. In this blog post we will give you some ideas of who to consider as your SOI and how to connect with them.

Who Is In Your SOI?

  • Members of your family
  • Members of your spouse’s family
  • Members of your extended family
  • Your best friend and their family
  • Your spouse’s best friend and their family
  • Your children’s friends parents
  • Your doctor, dentist, optometrist, veterinarian, pharmacist
  • Your hairstylist, barber, estetician, manicurist
  • Your CPA, attorney, insurance broker, financial planner, banker
  • Your neighbors
  • Your grocer, florist, jeweler
  • Your gardener, plumber, electrician, roofer
  • Your painter, window washer, appliance repair person
  • Your tailor, travel agent, pet groomer, pet sitter
  • Your children’s teachers, principals, coaches
  • Your Pastor, Priest, Minister, Rabbi
  • Your fellow members of organizations you belong to (Rotary, Elks, Chamber of Commerce, etc.)

The list goes on. I suggest sitting down with a notepad and going through the contacts on your phone to make a list of people you know, interact with or do business with. You already have their contact information so it will be easy to add them to your database.

Connect With Your SOI

Here are some ways you can connect with your sphere of influence:

Regular Communication

Keep in touch with your sphere of influence through regular communication channels such as phone calls, emails, newsletters, or even social media updates. Keep track of these communications in your CRM. At CENTURY 21 Discovery we have a CRM that syncs with your email contacts and can automatically add them to your database. This allows the agent to save time by avoiding duplicate effort of having to add them to the CRM. 

Personalized Messages

Tailor your messages to each individual in your sphere of influence to make them feel valued and appreciated. By keeping notes in your CRM about prior conversations, it allows you to pull up that information and refer to or comment about it in your next interaction. Personal touches like this can go a long way in building stronger relationships.

Social Media Engagement

Engage with your sphere of influence on social media platforms by commenting on their posts, sharing relevant content, and participating in discussions related to real estate or their interests.

Organize Events

Host events such as client appreciation parties, homebuyer seminars, or networking mixers to bring your sphere of influence together and strengthen connections in person.

Attend Events

Attending events will make you known in the community. A good place to start is your local Chamber of Commerce. They have networking events throughout the year. These are good opportunities to get to know other business people in the area. 

Provide Valuable Resources

Share helpful resources such as market updates, home maintenance tips, or local community information to demonstrate your expertise and provide value to your sphere of influence. You want to become their go-to resource for all things home and community.

Referral Programs

Implement referral programs to incentivize your sphere of influence to refer friends, family, or colleagues who may be in need of real estate services.

Personal Meetings

Schedule face-to-face meetings with individuals in your sphere of influence to catch up, discuss their real estate needs or goals, and offer your assistance. Meeting for lunch, coffee or a glass of wine will give the encounter a nice touch.

Send Personalized Gifts

Surprise your sphere of influence with thoughtful and personalized gifts or cards on special occasions such as birthdays, holidays, or anniversaries to show appreciation and strengthen your relationship. Again, using your CRM to keep track of their special dates makes this process much easier.

Volunteer in the Community

Get involved in community events or charitable activities that are important to you. Your sphere of influence will see your commitment to giving back and you may also meet new people you can add to your sphere. 

Follow-Up and Follow-Through

Always follow up with your sphere of influence after any interaction, whether it’s a phone call, meeting, or event attendance. Additionally, ensure you follow through on any promises or commitments you make to maintain trust and credibility.

By implementing these strategies, real estate agents can foster deeper connections with their sphere of influence, leading to increased referrals, repeat business, and long-term success.

Joe Lins

About the author: Joe Lins is President, CEO and Co-owner of CENTURY 21 Discovery. If you are interested in becoming part of the CENTURY 21 Discovery team or would like more information about our services, training and coaching we provide, contact Joe at 714.626.2069.

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